Git Command line instructions (Git Lab)

Git Command line instructions

Git global setup:

git config --global "Than Aung Kyow"

git config --global ""

Create a new repository:

git clone

cd directory

git switch -c main


git add

git commit -m "add README"

git push -u origin main

Push an existing folder:

cd existing_folder

git init --initial-branch=main

git remote add origin https://...........git

git add .

git commit -m "Initial commit"

git push -u origin main

Push an existing Git repository:

cd existing_repo

git remote rename origin old-origin

git remote add origin https://.............git

git push -u origin --all

Fore to push:

git push --force origin master

If you really want to remove all of the repository, leaving only the working directory then it should be as simple as this.

rm -rf .git



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